Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Waiting Game

Hey all,

I realize I haven't posted in a while, but the PT world has been pretty quiet for me. Here's where I stand so far:

AT Still University of Health SciencesAZ - Application put on hold
Central Michigan UniversityMI- Still waiting; should be soon
Chatham UniversityPA- waitlisted; still hoping for a spot
DrexelPA- rejected
Franklin Pierce University 
     Concord CampusNH- decided not to apply
Hampton UniversityVA- haven't heard anything!
Oakland UniversityMI- waiting; should hear in Feb.
Touro College 
     Bay Shore (Long Island)NY- accepted; paid $1,000
deposit to hold my seat
University of Maryland - Eastern ShoreMD- haven't heard anything
Wayne State UniversityMI- waiting; should hear in Feb.

I also decided to apply to the University of Illinois- Chicago and Grand Valley State University, but both programs have also rejected me.

It's been a tough road, but there is still lots of hope out there. I've been accepted to Touro College in NY. I am very excited to have an option. My only reservations with that school are mainly the costs associated. Not only is tuition more expensive, but cost of living in NY is a lot higher than I would like. Then there is always the money associated with traveling home. All things you have to consider when deciding on a grad school. I also have not visited the campus yet. I would have liked to get to know the program a little better before I committed with a deposit, but timing prevented that. I've heard good and bad things about the program, so we will see! In the meantime, keep your fingers crossed for me!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I have also applied to Touro College, and was wondering about when you got an acceptance letter to Tour college. I have applied there on September, and they don't require interviews so I am still waiting...

    Thanks for your blog!
