So, after telling my girlfriend,Holly, about my experiences shadowing and observing physical therapists, she suggested I keep a journal chronicling what I did and what I saw. I thought that was a pretty cool idea. It would give me something to look back on, something to keep me motivated, and something to talk about if I ever make it to the all-important interview stage for grad school (please keep your fingers crossed!). Then I had the crazy idea to turn it into a more social experience. It seemed like it could be fun to write about what I've been seeing and doing. I'd love to tell all my friends and family about shadowing, but it is impractical and unlikely that I would get the chance to explain everything to them on a one-on-one basis. I mean, maybe no one would want to read my blog (and that is fine), but maybe someone does! Even if not another soul on Earth sees this, I still have my experiences to look back on. So, I guess what I'm trying to say here is sit back and enjoy this blog (which I am titling "My Road to DPT." (DPT = Doctorate of Physical Therapy) Feel free to comment, write back, or whatever it is they do here in the blog community. You wanna tweet me about it? I do that too (@tdechane). For tonight, I'm going to take some time to gather some thoughts and see where this goes. Look tomorrow for a post about the trip so far and where we (I?) are (am?) going from here!
(Excuse me while I try to think of a way to make this ending not so awkward...)
...Ok, bye.
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